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제목 : Endometrial Stem Cells: Orchestrating Dynamic Regeneration of Endometrium and Their Implications in Diverse Endometrial Disorders

저자 : 홍인선
학술지명 : Internatioanl Journal of Biological Sciences
게재년월 : 2024-01

▪ 제   목 : Endometrial Stem Cells: Orchestrating Dynamic Regeneration of Endometrium and Their Implications in Diverse Endometrial Disorders

 저   자 : In-Sun Hong*

▪ 저널명 : Internatioanl Journal of Biological Sciences (IF=9.2, JCR 2022 기준)

▪ 게재정보 : 2024; 20(3):864-879.

▪ ISSN : 1449-2288

▪ DOI : 10.7150/ijbs.89795