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제목 : The impact of fine particulate matter (PM) on various beneficial functions of human endometrial stem cells through its key regulator SERPINB2

저자 : 홍인선
학술지명 : Experimental and Molecular Medicine
게재년월 : 2021-12

제   목 : The impact of fine particulate matter (PM) on various beneficial functions of human endometrial stem cells through its key regulator SERPINB2

저   자 : Se-Ra Park, Joong Won Lee, Seong-Kwan Kim, Wook-Joon Yu, Seung-Jin Lee, Doojin Kim, Kun-Woo Kim, Ji-Won Jung & In-Sun Hong*

저널명 : Experimental and Molecular Medicine (IF=8.718, JCR 2020 기준)

게재일 : 2021 Dec;53(1850–1865)

ISSN : 1226-3613

DOI : 10.1038/s12276-021-00713-9